Eine zionistische Jugendbewegung für Amerika: der Haschomer Hazair zwischen Ideologie und Realität in den 1930er Jahren

This essay utilizes issues of the monthly journal of the American organization Hashomer Hatzair from 1934 to 1939 to review and analyse several themes. These include the internal discussions regarding Zionist and chalutzic youth in the United States, their attitude towards fascism in the context of National Socialist Germany, the rising antisemitism in the United States, and the political and social upheavals that followed the stock market crash of 1929. The assumption is that the ideas of chalutzic-Zionist youth movements spread transnationally and developed in a particular way in the United States. Such aspects in the articles by members of Hashomer Hatzair, as well as the larger research context of Zionist youth movements of the 1930s in the United States in general, are topics that need further historical research.