Editorial Issue 9 (2015), 16

In celebration of the now sixteenth edition of Medaon, the editors and publishers have answered their long-lived desire to present a new and completely refurbished internet presence of the journal. The aspiration was to find a more timely design that makes central items of a periodical, the issues as well as single articles, accessible to you, the readers, in an easy and comfortable manner and therefore can present the by now very large and varied stock of scientific perspectives lucidly. At the same time it was about finally being able to display the editors’ other activities, such as the annual Medaon Lectures and their speakers, but also the presentation of the Fritz-Meyer-Award appropriately.

We believe that the new website, which is as of now available to you, meets these demands at a maximum. We want to thank two crucial supporters in the realization of the relaunch: Philipp Gellenthin of design disco, with much momentum but also patience for our editorial processes, conceived, designed and programmed the website; through a generous donation, Alexis Gerard made the professional implementation of our intention possible!

In the new issue, next to several other contributions, the editors can this time present two focal points: in Kriegskindheiten. Jüdische Kinder und der Holocaust, on occasion of the 70th anniversary of end of the war and the liberation, different contributions direct their attention on the perspectives of Jewish child survivors, especially their early documents of the Shoah, but also their standing as an independent “group of experiences” within public remembrance. Other authors, in turn, fathom the potentials of these specific experiences for pedagogical work.

In the aftermath of the conference, Ortswechsel: Ein Streifzug durch die jüdische Kulturgeschichte, organized by the MitteleuropaZentrum of the TU Dresden and Medaon’s funding foundation HATiKVA, the three contributions, under the same heading, shed light on self-determined and heteronomous relocation in the history of Judaism and the connected loss and regain of a sense of ‘home’.

Of course, we also wish you an insightful and pleasant read with all the other contributions and reviews!

This issue would also not have been possible without the support of our referees. Corrections were done by Cathleen Bürgelt, Katherine Ebisch-Burton, Maja-Sophie Götting and Phillip Roth as well as Gunther Gebhard and Steffen Schröter of text plus form – for which the editors want to express their gratitude!

The MEDAON-editors, June 2015.